 CompiledPass CompiledPass forms an abstract base class for the default compiled pass materials provided by Away3D, using material methods to define their appearance.
 DepthMapPass DepthMapPass is a pass that writes depth values to a depth map as a 32-bit value exploded over the 4 texture channels.
 DistanceMapPass DistanceMapPass is a pass that writes distance values to a depth map as a 32-bit value exploded over the 4 texture channels.
 LightingPass LightingPass is a shader pass that uses shader methods to compile a complete program.
 MaterialPassBase MaterialPassBase provides an abstract base class for material shader passes.
 OutlinePass OutlinePass is a pass that offsets a mesh and draws it in a single colour.
 SegmentPass SegmentPass is a material pass that draws wireframe segments.
 ShadowCasterPass ShadowCasterPass is a shader pass that uses shader methods to compile a complete program.
 SingleObjectDepthPass The SingleObjectDepthPass provides a material pass that renders a single object to a depth map from the point of view from a light.
 SkyBoxPass SkyBoxPass provides a material pass exclusively used to render sky boxes from a cube texture.
 SuperShaderPass SuperShaderPass is a shader pass that uses shader methods to compile a complete program.