 AlphaMaskMethod AlphaMaskMethod allows the use of an additional texture to specify the alpha value of the material.
 AnisotropicSpecularMethod AnisotropicSpecularMethod provides a specular method resulting in anisotropic highlights.
 BasicAmbientMethod BasicAmbientMethod provides the default shading method for uniform ambient lighting.
 BasicDiffuseMethod BasicDiffuseMethod provides the default shading method for Lambert (dot3) diffuse lighting.
 BasicNormalMethod BasicNormalMethod is the default method for standard tangent-space normal mapping.
 BasicSpecularMethod BasicSpecularMethod provides the default shading method for Blinn-Phong specular highlights (an optimized but approximated version of Phong specularity).
 CascadeShadowMapMethod CascadeShadowMapMethod is a shadow map method to apply cascade shadow mapping on materials.
 CelDiffuseMethod CelDiffuseMethod provides a shading method to add diffuse cel (cartoon) shading.
 CelSpecularMethod CelSpecularMethod provides a shading method to add specular cel (cartoon) shading.
 ColorMatrixMethod ColorMatrixMethod provides a shading method that changes the colour of a material analogous to a ColorMatrixFilter.
 ColorTransformMethod ColorTransformMethod provides a shading method that changes the colour of a material analogous to a ColorTransform object.
 CompositeDiffuseMethod CompositeDiffuseMethod provides a base class for diffuse methods that wrap a diffuse method to alter the calculated diffuse reflection strength.
 CompositeSpecularMethod CompositeSpecularMethod provides a base class for specular methods that wrap a specular method to alter the calculated specular reflection strength.
 DepthDiffuseMethod DepthDiffuseMethod provides a debug method to visualise depth maps
 DitheredShadowMapMethod DitheredShadowMapMethod provides a soft shadowing technique by randomly distributing sample points differently for each fragment.
 EffectMethodBase EffectMethodBase forms an abstract base class for shader methods that are not dependent on light sources, and are in essence post-process effects on the materials.
 EnvMapAmbientMethod EnvMapDiffuseMethod provides a diffuse shading method that uses a diffuse irradiance environment map to approximate global lighting rather than lights.
 EnvMapMethod EnvMapMethod provides a material method to perform reflection mapping using cube maps.
 FilteredShadowMapMethod DitheredShadowMapMethod provides a softened shadowing technique by bilinearly interpolating shadow comparison results of neighbouring pixels.
 FogMethod FogMethod provides a method to add distance-based fog to a material.
 FresnelEnvMapMethod FresnelEnvMapMethod provides a method to add fresnel-based reflectivity to an object using cube maps, which gets stronger as the viewing angle becomes more grazing.
 FresnelPlanarReflectionMethod FresnelPlanarReflectionMethod provides a method to add fresnel-based planar reflections from a PlanarReflectionTexture a surface, which get stronger as the viewing angle becomes more grazing.
 FresnelSpecularMethod FresnelSpecularMethod provides a specular shading method that causes stronger highlights on grazing view angles.
 GradientDiffuseMethod GradientDiffuseMethod is an alternative to BasicDiffuseMethod in which the shading can be modulated with a gradient to introduce color-tinted shading as opposed to the single-channel diffuse strength.
 HardShadowMapMethod HardShadowMapMethod provides the cheapest shadow map method by using a single tap without any filtering.
 HeightMapNormalMethod HeightMapNormalMethod provides a normal map method that uses a height map to calculate the normals.
 LightingMethodBase LightingMethodBase provides an abstract base method for shading methods that uses lights.
 LightMapDiffuseMethod LightMapDiffuseMethod provides a diffuse shading method that uses a light map to modulate the calculated diffuse lighting.
 LightMapMethod LightMapMethod provides a method that allows applying a light map texture to the calculated pixel colour.
 MethodVO MethodVO contains data for a given method for the use within a single material.
 MethodVOSet MethodVOSet provides a EffectMethodBase and MethodVO combination to be used by a material, allowing methods to be shared across different materials while their internal state changes.
 NearShadowMapMethod NearShadowMapMethod provides a shadow map method that restricts the shadowed area near the camera to optimize shadow map usage.
 OutlineMethod OutlineMethod provides a shading method to add outlines to an object.
 PhongSpecularMethod PhongSpecularMethod provides a specular method that provides Phong highlights.
 PlanarReflectionMethod PlanarReflectionMethod is a material method that adds reflections from a PlanarReflectionTexture object.
 ProjectiveTextureMethod ProjectiveTextureMethod is a material method used to project a texture unto the surface of an object.
 RefractionEnvMapMethod RefractionEnvMapMethod provides a method to add refracted transparency based on cube maps.
 RimLightMethod RimLightMethod provides a method to add rim lighting to a material.
 ShaderMethodSetup ShaderMethodSetup contains the method configuration for an entire material.
 ShadingMethodBase ShadingMethodBase provides an abstract base method for shading methods, used by compiled passes to compile the final shading program.
 ShadowMapMethodBase ShadowMapMethodBase provides an abstract base method for shadow map methods.
 SimpleShadowMapMethodBase SimpleShadowMapMethodBase provides an abstract method for simple (non-wrapping) shadow map methods.
 SimpleWaterNormalMethod SimpleWaterNormalMethod provides a basic normal map method to create water ripples by translating two wave normal maps.
 SoftShadowMapMethod SoftShadowMapMethod provides a soft shadowing technique by randomly distributing sample points.
 SubsurfaceScatteringDiffuseMethod SubsurfaceScatteringDiffuseMethod provides a depth map-based diffuse shading method that mimics the scattering of light inside translucent surfaces.
 TerrainDiffuseMethod TerrainDiffuseMethod provides a diffuse method that uses different tiled textures with alpha masks to create a large surface with high detail and less apparent tiling.
 WrapDiffuseMethod WrapDiffuseMethod is an alternative to BasicDiffuseMethod in which the light is allowed to be "wrapped around" the normally dark area, to some extent.