I come in the Away3d world with great announces for the end of the year : acceleration of the 3D empowerment with WebGL and OpenFL. Haxe is a powerfull and cross-platforming language, we’ve got every thing to make stunning games on the edge and easier than with other librairies.
What about to write the future right now and add a package written in Haxe with BulletPhysics 3.x added with it ? It works fine with my odd AS3 and Flash Builder (all sources are in the Git) ... and would be port with a the new openFL librairy.
How do you plan to port your C module files of Bullet collapsed with AS3 ?
]]>As many game levels are set up with different visual and physics models ( eg a detailed visual model building, simple box for collision ), it would also ensure that the raycasting for other game related features are using the same physics data that eg the vehicle wheel raycasting is using.
]]>you did a great job on AwayPhysics so far - it is awesome. But since long time it is still in alpha-state and there are only minor changes in the git repository.
Can you say something about your further plans about the 1.0 release?
]]>floor code :
var floorCol1Mesh:Mesh = ground.getMeshByName(“floorCol1”);
floorCol1Mesh.visible = false ;
var floorColMeshl1Shape:AWPBvhTriangleMeshShape = new AWPBvhTriangleMeshShape(floorCol1Mesh.geometry);
var floorColMesh1Body:AWPRigidBody = new AWPRigidBody(floorColMeshl1Shape,floorCol1Mesh,0);
box code:
var shape:AWPCollisionShape = new AWPBoxShape(50,50,50);
monstorAWP = new AWPRigidBody(shape, box ,0.1);
monstorAWP.y = 120 ;
monstorAWP.friction = 0.9 ;
monstorAWP.collisionFlags = AWPCollisionFlags.CF_CHARACTER_OBJECT;
monstorAWP.activationState = AWPCollisionObject.DISABLE_DEACTIVATION;
help me please!thanks all!
]]>I have an 2d as3 particle physics simulation that uses lots of Math.sqrt, multiplication, distance calculations and collisions detection between 100s of circular vector objects. I want to increase this to 1000s
Is Away3d any good at these calculations or is more a platform to generate polygons quickly and the like?
I find this post, tank should be constraint hinge wheeled vehicles:
Anyone have idea? thanks